In line with the GDC “Standards for Education” document, it is a requirement that all trainee dental nurses are identified as this appropriately.
“Providers must have systems in place to inform patients that they may be treated by students and the possible implications of this. Patient agreement to treatment by a student must be obtained and recorded prior to treatment commencing”.
To ensure that this requirement is met, ASA expect one of the following options be available for all trainee dental nurses undertaking their qualification with us;
- Learner must wear a name badge clearly stating that they are a “Trainee Dental Nurse”.
- Clear signage within the reception area and clinical areas, that trainee dental nurses are working within the practice.
Under GDC requirements, consent must be gained by each patient, to be treated by a trainee dental nurse and this consent must be recorded to their individual patient records.
Under Standard 1 – Protecting patients, all patients that are treated by a trainee dental nurse, must be aware of this and have consented to this.
Monitoring Procedure:
As a training provider, we have a responsibility to ensure that this requirement is being met. Regular monitoring will take place to ensure this using one or all of the procedures below;
- At every scheduled appointment with the lead educational practitioner, the learner will be asked to show their name badge.
- If a name badge is not the preferred option, the learner will be asked to show the educational practitioner the appropriate signage around the practice whilst on their scheduled remote video meetings.
- Spot checks will also be conducted by the Internal Quality team to ensure that this requirement is met.
If the dental practice fails to meet this requirement, ultimately this overall risk to the learner is removal from the training course. A resolution process will be followed to support and guide the practice, where appropriate, before we remove a learner from the training course.
All employers must sign the Training Plan, to agree that they will adhere and uphold this requirement. The training plan is in place for every new learner and will be signed before any new learner begins their training course.
Copy of recording document:
Dental Practice Name
Learner ID number | Badge or Practice signage?
Monitor 1 date | Monitor 2 date | Monitor 3 date | Spot Check date | Compliant? | Resolution meeting required | Outcome? |